
The value of Acquisti in Rete can be represented by comparing the most significant indicators of the last year and the main trends to the previous triennium.
Qualified users
In comparison with the year 2020, in 2022 there has been an increase of qualified users.
Utenti abilitati
Number of contracts signed during 2022 by using all procurement instruments.
Utenti abilitati
Valore dei contratti
The overall value of the contracts signed in 2022 increased compared to the year 2020.
Utenti abilitati
Value per Region

On the map you can find the following information per Region: number of users (firms and Public Administrations), numbers of transactions and the value of contracts signed in 2021. Choose a Region!

Average number of users per day
Average number of users that log onto the platform per day.
Utenti abilitati